Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Mr. Wiggle

I don't write poetry often but here's one of the few. Enjoy! Mr.Wiggle By: Andrea Allison Drenched in shadows, he wiggled when he walked. Filled me with giggles as he creaked and popped. Mom silenced me every night. But I always put up a fight. "He's my friend." I would always say. She'd shake her head and walk away. I lay in bed and sigh. Why does she believe Mr. Wiggle is...

Thursday, December 20, 2018

2018 Christmas Newsletter (Writers Edition)

I know all over the country people send out these little Christmas letters to family and friends listing all the awesome things that happened to their family throughout the year. My family (to my knowledge) has never done one of these. So here's my first attempt. It was an uneventful year for my family. My writing life is a different story. I feel like I've become more of a grown-up writer in 2018....

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Drabbledark II Live Again

The first attempt to fund this project fell short. Instead of abandoning it entirely, Drabbledark II is getting a second and final chance. Seeing as I have two stories set to appear in this, I would really like to see this happen. Every little bit helps. Go to: UPDATE:...

Sunday, November 04, 2018

A Few More Things

While 2018 is not entirely over yet, it has been a blessed year. Twenty-one stories accepted. Truly amazing, especially since I averaged only a handful a year in the past. Hopefully that number will grow further before January. But if not, twenty-one is still great. Anyways, on to the few things. Trembling...

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Just a Few Things

I have a few acceptances to report. 50-Word Stories published my micro "Left You a Note". Something I wrote for Twitter prompt #vss365. Give it a Like if you love it. I have three Two sentence horror stories (harder to write than you think) appearing in Nothing's Sacred Magazine Vol 4. The magazine won't be released until October 1st but is currently available for preorder. $7.99 for the print edition. I've...